The tool was developed by Alex Rosenberg in the Seelig Lab at the University of Washington. If you have questions/comments/suggestions, please contact Alex Rosenberg at abros "AT" uw "DOT" edu. Let us know if there is some other feature you would find useful.Citing HAL
If you use this tool in your research please cite the following paper:Rosenberg et al., Learning the Sequence Determinants of Alternative Splicing from Millions of Random Sequences, Cell (2015),
How does the model work?The model is explained in our Cell paper and all of the associated code is available on Github.
Can I use this in my own commercial software tool?
Please contact the authors in order to obtain a commercial license to the tool.
Will you please add x,y,z features?
If there are features that will make this tool more useful, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will try our best to respond to comments and suggestions.